District Administration


Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Instruction and Technology Education
Vito DeLaura
(201) 599-7265

Director of Special Services
James Cooney
(201) 599-7219

Director of Athletics
Denis Nelson
(201) 599-7212

Supervisor of Mathematics
Jennifer Ali
(201) 599-7274

Supervisor of English and Social Studies
Dr. Lisa Torres
(201) 599-7252

Director of Student Personnel Services
Erin Kirkby
(201) 599-7224

Chief Information, Technology and Infrastructure Officer
Marc Wachter
(201) 599-7295

High School Administration

High School Principal
Brian Pepe
(201) 599-7238

High School Assistant Principal
Brandon Flanagan
(201) 599-7239

High School Assistant Principal
Tiffany Correa
(201) 599-7213

Middle School Administration

Middle School Principal
Robert Urbanovich 
(201) 599-7288

Middle School Assistant Principal
John Jasinski
(201) 599-7285

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